City of Griffith, NSW, Australia

February 21, 2018

The Griffith City Council in New South Wales Australia recently completed a $26 million upgrade of their WWTP to a Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) facility. Aquality Water Management worked with engineers and contractors to startup and commission the facility, assist in the development of standard operating procedures and emergency response plans, developed a comprehensive Operations Guide, trained operations in lab procedures and trained staff in the proper operation of the MBR system. We also assisted Griffith maintenance staff in getting their 28 lift stations pumping correctly to help alleviate a high H2S problem with their influent stream.

  • The facility was upgraded from a very old trickling filter plant. In the upgrade the following was constructed;
  • A completely new fine a screening system after the existing coarse screening headworks
  • Flow equalization
  • Ultra Violet and sodium hypochlorite disinfection systems
  • Phosphorus reduction system
  • Sludge handling and dewatering facilities – centrifuge
  • New chemical area
  • Onsite reclaimed water system
  • New operations building with a laboratory
  • Emergency generators for backup power
  • The MBR system

It was necessary to keep the old system in service while performing the transition to the new system.

Some of the recycled water is eventually to be used for the sale yards’ wash-down but the majority of the plant effluent is discharged to an onsite pond that discharges to the Murrumbidgee irrigation drainage system under EPA license.